Computer Login
To log into a computer for the first time choose the “Add work account” option in the bottom left hand corner and follow the prompts to logon.
If you have previously logged into the computer your name may be visible in the bottom left hand corner. If this is the case select your name and follow the password prompts to login.
Google Chrome Login
Google Chrome will auto login after your computer login. However you will still receive two prompts on first use asking how you would like Chrome to function. When Prompted please select “Link Data” on the first prompt and then “Yes, I’m in” on the second.
Google Drive for Desktop
When prompted by Drive select “Sign in with browser”. Then follow the prompts to enable your Google drive to show as your local ‘G drive’.
Adobe Creative Cloud
Adobe requires you to login before using it’s software. Select “Continue with Google” and follow the prompts to enable your Adobe license on the device.
Papercut Print Deploy
To enable printing, log into papercut by selecting the “Sign in with Google” option and following the prompts. If the “Sign in with Google” option is not available you can use your SHC username and password.
When printing, use the "Print_Queue [mobilityprint](Mobility)" printer.
You will be notified by email regarding your print job status.
SHC uses Papercut "Find Me Printing", you can release your printing by logging in at whatever SHC photocopier you choose.